Welcome to the Rockland County Catholic Coalition Website
The Rockland County Catholic Coalition was founded in 1989 with the intention to publicly affirm our rights as American citizens to speak out as Catholics and peacefully dedicate our efforts to seek the truth, especially in what concerns God and his Church.
Knowing that “the absence of God leads to the decline of man and of humanity.” The Rockland County Catholic Coalition will peacefully defend and promote the common good of civil society.
The Rockland County Catholic Coalition mission is to:
defend the irrefutable principle that innocent human life from conception until natural death should be respected and protected as sacred,
defend the free speech of our Bishops, priests, and lay catholics,
defend the free exercise of religious liberties without harassment, defamation or desecration of our sacred symbols and texts,
defend against catholic prejudice in the news media and arts, and
- ensure equal opportunity for all, including public officials to peacefully act upon their moral convictions in the public sphere.
To contact the Rockland County Catholic Coalition e-mail us at: rccatholiccoalition@gmail.com .
The Rockland County Catholic Coalition is also on Twitter at: @rrcatholic – so follow us there!