On November 8, 2011, a Federal District Court in New York State ruled that the New York State Department of Motor Vehicles must issue CFF’s “Choose Life” license plate. This decision caps seven years of legal battles in which CFF and their attorneys with the Alliance Defense Fund, who are legal experts in First Amendment cases, have won every legal battle in this federal lawsuit since its filing back in 2004.
New York State has blocking the approval of the New York “Choose Life” license plate since 2002. The DMV moratorium that has been in place for almost six years against new plates, imposed in order to stop the “Choose Life” plate, has also blocked such other plates as the “9/11 Remembrance Plate” and the “Cure Childhood Cancer” plate. In this time of budgetary crises, it is time for New York’s government to stop wasting taxpayer money and start earning money from the sale of popular specialty plates. We urge the approval of CFF’s plate here in New York that will help promote and fund the positive choice of adoption as CFF is now doing with its plates in New Jersey and Connecticut.
For more information, please go to the Alliance Defense Fund to read there press release: http://www.adfmedia.org/News/PRDetail/5182
The Rockland County Catholic Coalition urges all New York State and Rockland County residences to contact Governor Andrew Cuomo and respectfully ask the Governor to approve the New York “Choose Life” license plate without further delay. The Governor may be reached by telephone by calling (518) 474-8370 or by email at http://www.governor.ny.gov/contact/GovernorContactForm.php.
The following is a sample which can be copy, cut and pasted into the e-mail for the Governor supporting the issuance of the New York State “Choose Life” License plate:
Dear Governor Cuomo,
The gift of freedom of speech and expression is truly valued by me, your constituent. Please approve the New York “Choose Life” License plate without further delay. I thank you for your support of my freedom of speech and expression.
Respectfully submitted,
Your name here
Your email address